You know you've been tainted by Disney (or are just going through withdrawal) if... - You either shape every 3 circles you see into Mickey ears or think of Mickey anytime you see any 3 circles remotely close together - You continue to utilize the Disney point offstage (I weaned off that after only a month, thank you very much!) - Conversations typically start with "One time at Disney..." - You classify people by their Disney character height rather than the standard form of measurement (ie. "Oh, he's cute... about Goofy height, brown hair, green eyes...") - You still refer to employees as "castmembers" and customers as "guests" confusing the normal people around you. - It pisses you off when people on registers don't count their money down the "Disney" way. - You look for hidden Mickeys wherever you go and find all sorts of unintentional ones (ie, the little hook above the zipper on dresses or in the produce aisle at the grocery) - You regret not getting a fast pass or priority seating every time you wait to be seated at a restaurant. - You can spot a Mickey antennae topper on any car a mile away. - You actively look for Mickey antennae toppers and classify each one: "Oh, that's from the DS, that's a Minnie one, they got the one with sunglasses from DCA, Oooo a graduation one!" When you spot one you feel like waving to the driver as if they'll know you. - You use the following terms in normal conversation: ADO, ER, MK, the tunnels, DAK, Hista, Imag, PI, Vista, Commons, Chatham forgetting that no one has a clue what you're talking about. - You expect to hear fireworks outside your window at 9 and 12. - You start friendly conversations with complete strangers and continue talking as they call security on their cell phone to take you away. - When receiving change for a dollar, you check coins for a (c)Disney. - Your watch is still set to eastern time, and you live in another time zone. - You turn up the volume in the car everytime Trick Daddy's "Take it to the House" comes on convinced that he's saying "Vista Way! We take it to da House" not "This the way we take it to da house" - You avoid skipping class more than 3 days in a row at a time and 9 times in 90 days for fear of being kicked out of class. - Anything heartwarming that happens is now a "Magical Moment". - Anything remotely cool that happens is now a "Magical Moment". - Anything that doesn't suck is now a "Magical Moment". - That WDW tv ad that used to make you barf from corporate sappiness now brings a tear to your eyes. - "The Man" now becomes "The Mouse". - You have the overwhelming urge to offer to take people's pictures: downtown, at Six Flags, at shopping malls, in restaurants, on the street, at the gas station, in the middle of the ghetto... - You're looking forward to your next trip to Orlando more than you are anticipating graduating college. - you write lists like this.